I would like to share an inspirational story dedicated to my dearest mom who passed away on the 27th January, 2013.
My mom was a firm believer in the energies of the full moon and used to do a full moon meditation each month. The time of her passing was one could say by co-incidence, but I believe planned by her. She passed at the full moon as it was shining brightly in the sky.
We gathered as a family on her birthday, at the cliff paths in our gorgeous little town to lay her ashes- her favourite place to walk. The moon was so full and shining so brightly over the sea and there wasn't a breath of wind. We wrote on floating lanterns and set them off into the sky. Ending with the OM sound and saying her favourite -" The Great Invocation". Truly the most incredible ceremony, which left me feeling on a high for a while.
What a wonderful reminder each month of my beautiful mom.
Hamba kakuhle mama wam, siyathanda kakuhle!............go well on your journey my mother, we love you!
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